We firmly believe that quality is life, so we pay great attention on product's quality. In addition, we not only have the world's leading production facilities& testing instruments, but also have got authority of ISO9001-2000, CE, SGS certification.
In order to increase our competitive power in the international market, we have been continuously absorbing senior managers, scientific concepts in recent years. Today, we not only have good management company business model, but also have a group of professional and production technical staff.
Our vision: to be leader company which can provide metal hydraulic balers, metal crocodile type shearing, briquetting press, etc. for various industries.
Our mission: To provide advanced equipments with reasonable price to our customers. To increase our customers' s trust and satisfaction, we deliver the state-of-the-art products just in time with our hearty and friendly communication and service.
Why choose our company:
Our Sales Team Can give you a prompt and considerate response at an early time.
Among competitors, we are leading supplier with acceptable price and reliable quality and excellent after-sales service. So, earlier contact us, more benefit you will make!